Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I only have 7 minutes left on my (all too short) lunch break. I'm just so excited, nervous, terrified, and happy. Is that all possible? Tomorrow is the big day! Blue or Pink? I know I will be overjoyed with whatever's just very intense right now. I'm still not feeling great. I have lots of aches and pains. I truly thought the second trimester would be my "feel good" time. Boy, was I wrong! I never imagined a person's feet could hurt this badly. And the morning (all day) sickness...what's up with that??? But none of that can steal my joy. I just feel like I am the most blessed woman on earth to have such a great family, a hot, loving husband, and this beautiful baby on the way. I just can't imagine life being any sweeter. (ok, a little more money in the bank...) :)

I still have no pics on here. Not having a computer at home now is really a bummer. We put all our computer money towards the baby's room. But I'm super pumped about getting that done. And we can start tomorrow afternoon!!!! wow....

Well, I didn't get much typed in 7 minutes. Maybe next time. Still new to this scene. I'll catch up the times when the baby is a teen. (I hope) :)

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Mr. and Mrs. Vergara

Mr. and Mrs. Vergara
Amy & Ari

About Me

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First, I am a precious child of God. I'm in love with the most amazing man on the planet...he just happens to be my husband! (How lucky am I???) I have the most beautiful miracle growing inside me and I can't wait to meet my little peanut! I have two awesome parents, an incredible sister and brother-in-law. My comforters...Sadie and Grace (which are my dog and cat, but they love me at my worst)