Monday, June 15, 2009

Well, ok. So maybe writing here daily was a bit too optimistic. I have a journal to Aiden and it's the same way. I've got to get on SOME type of schedule soon. With another baby on the way I may go crazy if I don't. Anyway, Aiden turns one tomorrow. I just can't believe how quickly it went by. The first 6 months seemed liked forever and then we are at 1. He is such a beautiful, happy, smart guy. He actually came from me. It just never ceases to amaze me. And I guess I have to include Ari in the mix. Never, ever in my wildest dreams could I have even thought up something so wonderful for my life. I always prayed for a good husband and children. I just never imagined the blessings and the extreme to which he has given what I asked. Patience pays off. My little man seems like he learns 10 new things everyday. He picks up things so quickly. He jabbers all day from the moment he wakes up until his head hits the pillow at night. He plays hard, cuddles like crazy, and eats like a big boy. I am not sure how God's gonna top this kid. I know I will love new baby A, but it's so hard imagining sharing my time and my feelings. Everyone just says I will.
I'm watching my Ari and Aiden sleeping nose to nose...they look so much alike sometimes. My heart is so full of joy.
I think the new baby is due around Scottie's birthday....which is February 23. My boss is going to throw a serious hissy fit!!! Ought to be something to see :) In some ways I would love a baby girl to dress up and play dolls with, but boys seem so much easier. God knows best.
Aiden's birthday party is Saturday. In Panama you get two BIG birthday parties. One is when you turn a year old and the other is somewhere around 14. So, in keeping with Panamanian tradition we are trying to have a big one. I want it simple, so that I can enjoy Aiden and not running around all day. I planned on hotdogs, chips, cake.....swimming. easy! Ariel tells me today he wants to make rice and I almost died laughing. (rice and beans with hotdogs).......ONLY IN PANAMA. Crockett , Mississippi is not ready for that combo!!! ewww
So many people we invited said they can't make it. It's funny when some of them say they can't. I sent out save the date thingys like over a month's called we have something better and more exciting and we don't want to come to your party. lol. I just call it like I see it. That's ok...Aiden could care less. As long as his favorite people are there, he is good. Well, aiden will be up at 7am, so I better get off and go to sleep.
Aiden, you are my angel, my air, my laughter, and my hope. Goodnight birthday boy. Mami loves you.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Aiden Ariel Vergara

long time no blog...

I want to try to do I have time. So much has changed since I was here last. I have a beautiful, happy, healthy 10 month old boy! Life is sooo much different and soooo much better. My goal is to post a pic....took me a month to do the last pic, so we will see.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Thursday was a day of nervousness, tears, and tremendous joy! My sis and my mom were able to join me for the ultrasound. After seeing my little peanut kicking like he was swimming in grammy's pool, and watching/hearing that strong heart beat....the ultrasound tech agreed with my sis ....IT'S A BOY! And sure enough, there it was. After tearing up and announcing that I knew nothing about boy parts, I was just overwhelmed with wanting to hold him now. I pictured him in those cute pink pants mom just bought the baby last week. And all those beautiful Panama dresses.........and would he play football, would he look like Ari??? And of course, these thoughts and crazy questions went on all night, ok, all weekend. Sleep is just not happening for me right now. Between the aches, my bladder, and my racing mind....I might as well stay up and scrapbook or something.
We have decided on the name Aiden Ariel Vergara. Everyone seems to think it's a good name.
Now on to picking out flooring, paint, bedding, etc. Ari wants to be a part of it so badly, so I will give him 3 options and "let" him think it's his choice :)
I've never added a pic on here, so I'm gonna try now.
Later...........Aiden's mommy

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I only have 7 minutes left on my (all too short) lunch break. I'm just so excited, nervous, terrified, and happy. Is that all possible? Tomorrow is the big day! Blue or Pink? I know I will be overjoyed with whatever's just very intense right now. I'm still not feeling great. I have lots of aches and pains. I truly thought the second trimester would be my "feel good" time. Boy, was I wrong! I never imagined a person's feet could hurt this badly. And the morning (all day) sickness...what's up with that??? But none of that can steal my joy. I just feel like I am the most blessed woman on earth to have such a great family, a hot, loving husband, and this beautiful baby on the way. I just can't imagine life being any sweeter. (ok, a little more money in the bank...) :)

I still have no pics on here. Not having a computer at home now is really a bummer. We put all our computer money towards the baby's room. But I'm super pumped about getting that done. And we can start tomorrow afternoon!!!! wow....

Well, I didn't get much typed in 7 minutes. Maybe next time. Still new to this scene. I'll catch up the times when the baby is a teen. (I hope) :)

Thursday, January 31, 2008

ohhh my gosh....just 6 more days until we find out the sex of our little one!!! It has been a very long month waiting. I'm ready to get started on the baby's room. I think Ari is too, well, I know he is. He keeps going into the empty room, just staring at the walls. Hopefully he is ready to paint, that is not my favorite thing to do. We have friends who are giving us furniture for the room. Incredible friends!!! Thank the Lord for the people in our lives.

Mr. and Mrs. Vergara

Mr. and Mrs. Vergara
Amy & Ari

About Me

My photo
First, I am a precious child of God. I'm in love with the most amazing man on the planet...he just happens to be my husband! (How lucky am I???) I have the most beautiful miracle growing inside me and I can't wait to meet my little peanut! I have two awesome parents, an incredible sister and brother-in-law. My comforters...Sadie and Grace (which are my dog and cat, but they love me at my worst)