Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm here to try this again. I'm actually at work, but I'm on break. I hope to have some pics on here soon. Maybe this weekend I can get that done. My BFF Rachel wants me to go to Chocolate Fantasy tomorrow, which sounds amazing...but I know I won't be able to resist! Maybe the baby would appreciate a few bites??!!!
My poor hubby hasn't been feeling well, so I sorta feel like I need to stay home and "tend" to him. Hmmmm....Chocolate or Sick Husband?
The baby is growing! Or at least my belly is. I still feel like I just look fatter. I'll be glad when someone notices I'm pg and asks me how far along I am. Everynight we let the baby listen to music and Ari sings to him in Spanish. I just said HIM ???!!! What? Oh well, we will know for sure in 13 days. Either way, we are soooo excited! We are pretty sure about the girl name, but I'm stressing over the boy name. Just can't find one I really love. Guess I still have quite a bit of time. Well, I've got to pick up my first graders from P.E. class.........but it's Friday, so I will not complain!

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Mr. and Mrs. Vergara

Mr. and Mrs. Vergara
Amy & Ari

About Me

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First, I am a precious child of God. I'm in love with the most amazing man on the planet...he just happens to be my husband! (How lucky am I???) I have the most beautiful miracle growing inside me and I can't wait to meet my little peanut! I have two awesome parents, an incredible sister and brother-in-law. My comforters...Sadie and Grace (which are my dog and cat, but they love me at my worst)